Do I need a website? But of course! Yippie, I've got a homepage!

Welcome in my virtual world, which has found its place in the internet universe since February 2000. It had started with 14 simple html-pages, in the meantime my webspace has grown to unbelievable 320 MB. And there isn't an end in sight :-) In my travel-galleries and theme-galleries you can find more than 1000 pictures from all over the world.

And now, after 4 years, I have decided to present my website in german and english. I wish you a lot of fun travelling through my little webworld. By the way: I'm always keen on feedback, so please don't hesitate to mail me or use the guestbook. Thank you. Enjoy!


Last updates on
June 13, 2004: Gallery Norway (12 images)
June 18, 2004: Rescan Dom.Rep./Hongkong
June 19, 2004: Rescan Kuala Lumpur
June 21, 2004: Rescan London
June 27, 2004: Rescan Australia
July 3, 2004: Rescan USA Eastcoast
July 4, 2004: Rescan USA Westcoast
July 18, 2004: New Stuttgart gallery (15 images)
September 6, 2004: New Panoramic images Alaska
September 10, 2004: Final Alaska galleries (192 images)
October 16, 2004: New links on my links page


2004 I had more than 200.000 visitors, a new record. Thanks a lot!



April 2005: The planning is over. This years trip will get me to South America (Argentina and Chile)

October 2004: I just spent four days in Vienna.

September 2004: The trip to Alaska is over. It went by much too quickly. The german travelogue ist online on, 192 images are available in 12 galleries.

July 2004: The most important news - this english website is online since July 1st, 2004. I really hope you international visitors will like the design and the contents as much as my german friends did in the last few years.


Copyright Klaus Kubelka 2000-2004
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