In this gallery you will find photos from a vacation in Washington 2001. With your mousepointer over a thumbnail you will get more information. Please click the thumbnail to open the picture in a new window. All images have a size of 950x650 pixel or 70-170KB. Enjoy your holidays!


Washington was the first real highlight of the trip. And some highlight it was. We had people in our group who just came to the eastcoast because of the nationalparks. They couldn't be bothered with cities at all. It was different for me. I would have traveled any distance to explore this wonderful very unamerican city.

And I did my very best to see as much as possible on the one day I had. Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, White House, Congress, Unions Square and a few things more. We (Gregor and I) did quite some miles that day. Suffering with temperatures in the upper 80s.

And to end this beautiful day we drove around the city at night (I couldn't have walked anyway). But see for yourselves.

1. Kennedy
A father explains to his two sons the Kennedy speech 'ask not, what your country can do for you, ask what you can do...' - a moving moment

2./3. Memorial and Pomp
The grave of the unknown soldier with a military ceremony

4. Attack
A dozen of birds races at us in low-altitude flight, in the background the Washington Monument

5. Lincoln
As the name says. Below you can find the building in the dark

6./7. Vietnam
With many doubts whether the way America deals with the past is appropriate: the monument in honour of the many Vietnam victims is a thoughtful work of art

9. George W.
On the first evening we saw the helicopter land on the White House lawn from the distance, George W. was thus at home

11. Embassy
The Canadian one to be exact

12. Congress
The image of the Congress building which pleases me most

13. Mealtime
Under normal conditions I don't use this (translated german) word, but with this little hungry chap nothing better comes to mind

18. Contrast
I wasn't sure, whether I should photograph this (probably) homeless African-American. After short consideration I did. It shows the difference between necessity and reality.

21. Mirror
The night photograph from Washington I like most. At Lincoln Memorial, shot with an exposure time of 6 seconds

East Coast - Philadelphia - New England - Niagara - Acadia NP - Boston - Cape Cod - New York - East Coast