In these galleries you will find photos/images from many vacations in America between 1992 and 2004. Click on the thumbnail to open the named gallery. Enjoy your holidays!

From the first time I saw pictures from New York, the other major cities and the beautiful landscape of the west coast I fell in love with North America - with the US of A at least. I've been there six or seven times so far and the minute I get back from one trip I start thinking of another. Although I have to admit that sometimes I do have some problems understanding the mentality of american people - but that is definitely another story...

There are other parts on this huge continent to visit. A few years ago I stayed for two weeks in the Dominican Republic and I have never been to Canada - so many places to travel and so little time (and money, of course).

The highlight of 2004 was the trip to Alaska, which ended much too soon. The landscapes and the animals (specially the bears) were incredible. I'd love to return to Alaska very soon. It has been an adventure...

Please enjoy my America Galleries :-)

Alaska - Dominican Republic - USA East Coast - USA West Coast