In these galleries you will find photos/images from a vacation in 2004 to Alaska, USA. Click on the thumbnail to open the named gallery. Enjoy your holidays!

The journey to Alaska just came over me. Actually I wanted to remain on the european continent for the first time in years and to undertake a cosy trip to Norway or to Iceland. But I had not counted on a mail from my old australian buddy Ansgar.

At the beginning of April I was informed by Ansgar that he would make a tour in Alaska. Curiously as I am, I took one of my travel catalogs from Wikinger and Trails and started reading. After few minutes I learned about bears in the Katmai Nationalpark and a kanutrip on the Yukon, about mountain ranges and glaciers.

It took only these few minutes until it was clear to me that Norway or Iceland would actually have to wait some time. And then I remembered another old friend, Christian, who had spent his honeymoon in Alaska and then I booked the vacation. I will be eternally grateful to Ansgar for his Mail. :-)

Here you can find the german travelogue.

More Information about Alaska:

National Park Service - Facts about all Nationalparks - Nationalparks with Links

Achtung: Mit Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998 hat das Landgericht Hamburg entschieden, daß man durch Setzen eines Links die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite ggf. mit zu verantworten hat. Dies kann, so das LG, nur dadurch verhindert werden, wenn man sich ausdrücklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert. Deshalb distanziere ich mich hiermit ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller gelinkten Seiten. Diese Erklärung gilt für alle auf diesen Seiten angebrachten Links.

Anchorage - Animals - Birds - Chugach - Flowers - Katmai - Kenai - McKinley - Moments - Wrangell/St. Elias - Panoramic 1 - Panoramic 2