In this gallery you will find photos from a vacation in Alaska 2004 (McKinley). With your mousepointer over a thumbnail you will get more information. Please click the thumbnail to open the picture in a new window. All images have a size of 950x650 pixel or 90-190KB. Enjoy your holidays!

Mount McKinley

Mount McKinley with its 20.000ft is the highest mountain on the northamerican continent. If you consider the difference between the valley at Wonderlake (5ooft) and the peak, it is even bigger than Mount Everest. But even without these numbers, the mountain, which should be called Mt. Denali (the big one), is the most impressive naturedisplay of Alaska.

On many days you can't see the peak or even the mountain because of many clouds. Not on this day, when we drove up from Anchorage. Even 60 Miles away the peak could be seen in its full beauty.

It was a perfect day for flying... and maybe the most overwhelming experience of my travel life. The flight started in Talkeetna and within 20 minutes we were above and below the peaks of the Alaskan Range. Flying around McKinley, Forraker and Huntingdon and landing on the glacier where many expeditions to the summit of McKinley start.

1.-22. Flight
I couldn't think of 22 different names for the pictures, which would be sufficent to describe the beauty of McKinley and the adventure of our flight. So I'll just call them 'Flight'. All images are in chronological order and have been shot within 60 minutes.

Alaska - Anchorage - Animals - Birds - Chugach - Flowers - Katmai - Kenai - Moments - Wrangell/St. Elias - Panoramic 1 - Panoramic 2 - Alaska